Enabling Digital Transformation And
Process Automation

With our industry-leading RDX Ecosystem, we cater to businesses in various industries, helping them simplify their digital transformation initiatives. The RDX platform brings everything from data collection and analytics to model deployment under one roof, allowing businesses to easily deploy, swiftly scale and successfully innovate with AI automation.

With its unique plug-and-play functionality, the RDX platform has been seamlessly integrated by our clients in multiple industries for diverse use cases.

Irrespective of your industry, AI-driven process automation will remain at the core of every digital transformation strategy. Here’s how RDX can better serve your industry!

industry-leading RDX
industry-leading RDX

Give Your Industry The Re-defining X-factor!











Data Personalization

Retailers can create personalized shopping experiences and customer journeys by collecting and analyzing data from instore sensors and cameras.

Better Inventory Management

Stock Control

Retailers optimize on-shelf inventory with AI-driven demand forecasting and visual inventory management, enhancing efficiency and meeting customer demands.

Customer Behavior Tracking

Buyer Tracking

With computer vision technology, retailers gain valuable insights into customer behavior. Cameras equipped with AI algorithms track customer movement.

Facial Recognition

Facial Recognition

Facial recognition technology allows retailers to identify customers as they enter the store, enabling personalized experiences tailored to individual preferences.


Quality Control


In manufacturing environments, safety is paramount, and ensuring that workers adhere to proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) protocols is crucial.

PPE Safety Detection

PPE Safety

In manufacturing settings, where safety is paramount, the use of cameras equipped with computer vision models offers a cutting-edge solution to ensure compliance with PPE Kit.

Occupancy Detection


Manufacturers can utilize thermal sensor data to detect the presence of workers in hazardous areas, such as near furnaces or other high-temperature equipment.

Smoke And Fire Detection

Smoke & Fire

Factories can significantly enhance their fire detection and safety measures by implementing cameras equipped with computer vision models within factory premises.


Transport Route Monitoring

Transport Route Monitoring

Businesses can analyze routine transportation routes, such as railway tracks or roads, for defects by leveraging dedicated cameras to scan the route and geo-tag the defects.

Route Optimization

Route Optimization

Transport businesses can optimize transportation routes for short delivery times, lower fuel consumption and reduced operational costs using historical data, real-time traffic updates, etc., from on-road devices and sensors.

Driver Safety Audits

Driver Safety

In this era of unparalleled connectivity, where the digital and physical worlds converge, the integration of IoT devices within business fleets heralds a new dawn of safety and accountability on the open road.

Number Plate Recognition

Number Plate Recognition

Businesses can automate actions such as opening gates by identifying number plates of vehicles with high accuracy using cameras with integrated computer vision models.


Face Recognition

Face Recognition

Smart cities can enable the identification and tracking of people across multiple locations in real-time with computer vision-enabled cameras.

Crowd Control

Crowd Control

Public venues hosting events can estimate crowd densities instantly using computer vision-enabled cameras. This real-time data allows for proactive crowd management.

Advanced Intrusion Detection

Advanced Intrusion Detection

Smart homes can detect suspicious movement or activities in a defined perimeter using smart sensors or cameras.

Traffic Optimization

Traffic Optimization

Smart city infrastructure can control traffic signals based on the count and category of vehicles within the traffic movement using various hardware sensors.

Enabling Digital Transformation And Process Automation


Automated Unit Counting

Automated Unit Counting

Smart cameras can count the number of units as they move along a conveyor belt in an assembly line.

Geo-Location Access

Geo-Location Access

Warehouse professionals can identify the precise location of an item using computer visual-enabled cameras and IoT devices.

Visual Inventory Inspection

Visual Inventory Inspection

Warehouses can leverage visual data from cameras to detect flaws and damages during operations to enhance quality audits.

Better Inventory Management

Inventory Optimization

Businesses can use data from multiple sensors to streamline their inventory schedules to optimize for order processing and delivery timelines.

Enabling Digital Transformation And Process Automation


Medical Data Diagnostics

Medical Data Diagnostics

Medical professionals can analyze patients’ medical data, such as X-ray and MRI scans, using AI solutions to quickly identify abnormalities and disease markers. This also empowers doctors.

Remote Monitoring


Medical teams can observe and guide patients in remote areas by monitoring vitals obtained from IoT devices, fitness trackers and other hardware. This technology breaks down geographical barriers.

Infection Control


Thermal cameras can be used to identify infected surfaces to maintain a sterile and hygienic environment in hospitals and clinics. This adds an extra layer of protection for patients, staff, and visitors.

Medical Supply Management

Medical Supply Management

Hospitals can ensure medical supplies are always available and stocked in good condition using computer vision-based inventory monitoring and management. This system minimizes the risk of stockouts.


Occupancy Detection

Occupancy Detection

Banks can ensure only a certain maximum number of people are present within ATM booths using computer vision-enabled cameras and data from thermal sensors. This safeguards customer privacy and security.

Security Breach Detection

Security Breach Detection

Banks and financial organizations can safeguard employees, assets and their premises with real-time alerts based on identification of weapons using cameras.

Personalized Financial Services

Personalized Financial Services

Financial professionals can analyze huge amounts of client data to deliver tailored recommendations and advice based on preferences, budgets, existing portfolio, risks, etc.

Optimized Workflow

Optimized Workflow

Financial institutions can leverage RPA bots to operate hardware and software to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks. This not only improves efficiency but also reduce processing times with minimize erros.

Enabling Digital Transformation And Process Automation


Energy Optimization

Energy Optimization

Smart IoT sensors can automatically adjust heat and lighting based on ambient conditions to optimize energy usage.

Remote Property Management

Remote Property Management

Real estate agencies can monitor and protect their properties remotely with real-time data from smart cameras and sensors.

Automated Property Valuation

Automated Property Valuation

Real estate businesses can use AI-driven insights to automate property valuation.

Potential Tenants’ Screening

Potential Tenants’ Screening

Real estate and rental agencies can screen potential tenants on credit scores, previous dues, etc. using AI-driven models.

Enabling Digital Transformation And Process Automation

With our industry-leading RDX Ecosystem, we cater to businesses in various industries, helping them simplify their digital transformation initiatives. The RDX platform brings everything from data collection and analytics to model deployment under one roof, allowing businesses to easily deploy, swiftly scale and successfully innovate.

With its unique plug-and-play functionality, the RDX platform has been seamlessly integrated in multiple industries across diverse use cases by our clients.

Irrespective of your industry, AI-based process automation will remain at the core of every digital transformation strategy. Here’s how RDX can better serve your industry!

Give Your Industry The Re-defining X-factor!



Retailers can create personalized shopping experiences and customer journeys by collecting and analyzing data from in-store sensors and cameras.

Better Inventory Management

Using AI-driven demand forecasting and visual inventory management, retailers can better manage on-shelf inventory.

Customer Behavior Tracking

Using camera data, retail businesses can understand the average time customers spend in the store and identify hot-spots within the store.

Facial Recognition

Retailers can use facial recognition capabilities to recognize existing customers and create more personalized retail experiences.

Enabling Digital Transformation And Process Automation


Quality Control

Manufacturers can use computer vision integrations to automate QC (quality checks) on the assembly line by monitoring manufacturing defects or anomalies.

PPE Safety Detection

Manufacturing environments can use cameras with computer vision models to identify workers not wearing the proper PPE kits.

Occupancy Detection

Manufacturers can detect the presence of workers in dangerous areas, such as furnaces, from thermal sensor data.

Smoke And Fire Detection

Factories can leverage cameras with computer vision models to automatically identify the presence of smoke or fire.

Enabling Digital Transformation And Process Automation


Transport Route Monitoring

Businesses can analyze routine transportation routes, such as railway tracks or roads, for defects by leveraging dedicated cameras to scan the route and geo-tag the defects.

Route Optimization

Transport businesses can optimize transportation routes for short delivery times, lower fuel consumption and reduced operational costs using historical data, real-time traffic updates, etc., from on-road devices and sensors.

Driver Safety Audits

Businesses can track and identify reckless driving in real-time by integrating IoT (Internet of Things) devices to business fleets.

Number Plate Recognition

Businesses can automate actions such as opening gates by identifying number plates of vehicles with high accuracy using cameras with integrated computer vision models.

Enabling Digital Transformation And Process Automation


Face Recognition

Smart cities can enable the identification and tracking of people across multiple locations in real-time with computer vision-enabled cameras.

Crowd Control

Public venues hosting events can estimate crowd densities in instantly using computer vision-enabled cameras.

Advanced Intrusion Detection

Smart homes can detect suspicious movement or activities in a defined perimeter using smart sensors or cameras.

Traffic Optimization

Smart city infrastructure can control traffic signals based on the count and category of vehicles within the traffic movement.

Enabling Digital Transformation And Process Automation


Automated Unit Counting

Smart cameras can count the number of units as they move along a conveyor belt in an assembly line.

Geo-Location Access

Warehouse professionals can identify the precise location of an item using computer visual-enabled cameras and IoT devices.

Visual Inventory Inspection

Warehouses can leverage visual data from cameras to detect flaws and damages during operations to enhance quality audits.

Inventory Optimization

Businesses can use data from multiple sensors to streamline their inventory schedules to optimize for order processing and delivery timelines.

Enabling Digital Transformation And Process Automation


Medical Data Diagnostics

Medical professionals can analyze patients’ medical data, such as X-ray and MRI scans, using AI solutions to quickly identify abnormalities and disease markers.

Remote Monitoring

Medical teams can observe and guide patients in remote areas by monitoring vitals obtained from IoT devices, fitness trackers and other hardware.

Infection Control

Thermal cameras can be used to identify infected surfaces to maintain a sterile and hygienic environment in hospitals and clinics.

Medical Supply Management

Hospitals can ensure medical supplies are always available and stocked in good condition using computer vision-based inventory monitoring and management.

Enabling Digital Transformation And Process Automation


Occupancy Detection

Banks can ensure only a certain maximum number of people are present within ATM booths using computer vision-enabled cameras and thermal sensors.

Security Breach Detection

Banks and financial organizations can safeguard employees, assets and their premises with real-time alerts based on identification of weapons using cameras.

Personalized Financial Services

Financial professionals can analyze huge amounts of client data to deliver tailored recommendations and advice based on preferences, budgets, existing portfolio, risks, etc.

Optimized Workflow

Financial institutions can leverage RPA bots to operate hardware and software to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks.

Enabling Digital Transformation And Process Automation


Energy Optimization

Smart IoT sensors can automatically adjust heat and lighting based on ambient conditions to optimize energy usage.

Remote Property Management

Real estate agencies can monitor and protect their properties remotely with real-time data from smart cameras and sensors.

Automated Property Valuation

Real estate businesses can use AI-driven insights to automate property valuation.

Potential Tenants’ Screening

Real estate and rental agencies can screen potential tenants on credit scores, previous dues, etc. using AI-driven models.